Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa Baby at Oak Crest

Christmastime at Oak Crest is magical.

We celebrate daily the joy of being alive. Sometimes in small ways with a smile or touch and sometimes in big ways with a great party. The pictures here are from Rick Harris and as proud dad to Santa Baby at our "Lunch with Santa" annual party Rick had much to smile about!
Celebrating Lennon's first Christmas was a gift for all who attended.
Merry Christmas and our wish for you is that you find the joy in every tiny thing.

Monday, November 1, 2010

this is Chef jp with Bug playing pool.
this is our volunteer pianist Bernice Gromer

this is me, my name is Susan Cincinelli and I have worked at Oak Crest for thiryseven years. A lot has changed over the years but one thing always stays the same here...the staff members who care for our members are always dedicated and caring. Sometimes they play games and sing songs but all the time they are polite and curteous and listen to the needs of the people they serve every day.

So once a year we take a month to say "thank you" to them. They are praised and reminded that they are appreciated for their hard work. Drive by everyday of the month and see the daily changing names of our stars on the sign out front and honk if you like or stop by to have a cup of coffee with our stars they deserve a pat on the back and a break!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Holiday Treasure

Just a friendly reminder that our Cellar Pub is available for your holiday gathering. We will work with you to customize your party or get together.

Call today and ask for information and see how easy entertaining for the holidays can be!
847 742 2255

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Place in between!

The old woman in the shoe had it easy, get in and stay put, but our lives are not that simple. Wouldn't it be great if everything was clear cut and easy?
Well maybe, but as we all know that is a fantasy, nothing is easy or works as we initially foresee. How many times have you said to yourself " when I get to be a certain age I will be doing such and such." And then how many times has it actually been the way you thought it would be. Probably none.
People are all different with different perspectives and needs, to try and pigeon hole them is like trying to squeeze everyone into the same shoe!

The other day after a tour of Oak Crest the son of a prospective member said " Well this place is the place in between" meaning you didn't have to be at a specific level or comply with our requirements to live here, we consider where you are in your life and fit ourselves in. Not easily understood these days of rules and regulations. But think back to a much simplier time when people cared about one another and looked out for neighbors. That simpicilty is what Oak Crest is all about, we are the place in between, when your needs change and some days you don't even know what you want or need, we will be there. That's the meaning of responsible caring and that is what Oak Crest is all about. Come for a visit today or plan to attend one of our many social events, we would love to meet you.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Annual Oak Crest Summer Make-Do

Interest, hobby or just fun. Everyone needs to feel passion. My personal passion is collecting Antique Teddy Bears. What about them makes my heart skip a beat I can't tell you; but from hours of reading about them and studying them I have become a Teddy Bear Expert. I enjoy it, the whole activity fuels my passion and it is good to be engaged in something interesting and positive that stimulates your mind.
This year our Annual Summer Make-Do is all about Brain Fitness. Once a year we have a big shindig at Oak Crest. The good old fashioned kind, with a bake sale and rummage sale and lunch. Loads of fun and entertainment. But we have taken it a step furthur. We add some topic of interest and focus on it. This years focus is Brain Fitness, how to keep your mind active and well. That brings us back to me and Teddy Bears. Hobbies are actually a means to an end when it comes to brain fitness, and staying enganged and active mentally. So for those of you who smirked about the Teddy Bear thing think again. Keeping your brain fit takes many forms, come and see for yourself Saturday June 19th 10am to 3pm. Call for more details.
Oh you may be curious about why we call the event a "Make-Do"? We use what we have and make it do!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Celebrating Valentines Day with a Spin around the Dance floor!

Everybody loves to dance!

Cellar Pub was host to the festivities on Valentines Day.
Families,friends old and new, joined Oak Crest members in celebrating the spirit of the day. Sweet treats and music,nothing says love better.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Belly Dancers and Santa Claus and Bug the best Volunteers

Our Cellar Pub played host to an array of holiday festivities. Santa Claus visited twice and was a star as always. A lovely troupe of belly dancers displayed their talents. And a beautiful five year old became the best volunteer of all.

Thanks to all the volunteers who made our holidays the cheeriest and merriest ever!